The staff and the authority of this company is too reluctant for any kind of process for USA, just does a little job and asks for bundles of money. They provide very narrow spectrum of choices for Canada.
There is no specialised staff for IELTS coaching. Counselling staff does all the duties of reception or teaching…..
If at all you are put in a condition where you have to opt out from your immigration plans, they are nowhere to help you out. They will make any reason to get rid of your refund request.
At the first approach, they will ask for full payment before any kind of proceedings. They will make sure to put you at fault when asked for refund at any stage.
Make your choice carefully, because many other cheaper and reliable consultants are available there in the market.
I would suggest not to give our future, trust or cash to such a money-oriented firm.

Choose a better option for student visa application other than winny.

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