I took services from Rohitash Sahni for IELTS GT Training for all 4 modules.
Just thought to share my experience with him and the training method.
Firstly, like every marketer he projects himself to be best for this training course and assures you to the band score, that you are looking after.
Till the time he gets his money, he completes the synposis of all modules, which probably all IELTS takers are mostly aware. Sensing things are going ok, students are trapped to pay complete or part fees without knowing what’s coming next!
Once he gets his money, he then shows his real character.
He will work based on his own schedules. The reason for this is because of his commitment to many students for the same time slot. Being a working professional myself, I found this to be very annoying. The level of frustration reached to the next peak when he consistently backed off without even bothering to intimate beforehand despite asking him to do so many times.

I found the method of training also very amateurish and not effective. He brings cambridge Test Papers and asks students to take these test infront of him. He then later explains why the answers were wrong. The same reasoning can be found at the back pages of the book. Instead of concentrating on core problems or weaknesses, I have noticed him concetrating on giving more practice tests. He falls short in matching the training programmes based on the skills and weaknesses of the student. He also fails in imparting the skills or tips required to address questions from IELTS exams. I felt there is no match in the quality of training and hefty Rs. 7500 fees which I paid. At the end of this training, I felt, I was better off doing this course myself by referring to the course material available on Internet.

My recommendation for Rohitash Sahni and his training services is 2/10. He should be contacted by only those students who have absolutely no idea about IELTS and when their English Language Skills are poor.
I would also encourage to all who are reading this, to post feedback on internet for both good and ineffective trainers. This will surely help the society to keep the waters clean at least to certain extent, if not completely.

Lesson Learned:
1. Make your assessment about the person from whom you are planning to seek training. The first place to find information related to this, is Internet.
2. Don’t pay the fees in cash.

Post your reviews / feedback or experience by clicking on the following submit complaint button.

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