Stallion Intellectual Pvt Ltd Complaints & Reviews
By: Ira
This company is a fake. They are sending out the same surveys to everyone by promising 25 Rs per survey, (2000 forms). I.e. 50K for the entire project. This seduces people to work their ass off and you know what happens next? Their QC report wrongs most of the forms and then you need to pay up 5500 for nothing. Their system which checks the forms is not authentic. This company is actually a fraud and most of us customers are getting together and going to throw a bomb on them in the court. They are not paying anyone but extracting work to fill up their pockets. Beware. This company will soon be blacklisted.
I am also a victim of Stallion Intellectual. This company has no legal entity and they are not bound to ask for penalty from anybody. I asked them for GSTIN number which they don’t have. This is the email which I have sent them “These are some of the complaints against Stallion Intellectual. One has mentioned that the software is designed is such a way that it will change the characters after the form is submitted. Now I can conclude that this company is run by bunch of fraud people. I request Raghav , Nilesh or Zoya to contact me as soon as possible. This is a cyber crime and will be reported to Cyber police if you fail to respond within 24 hours. I want to know who is the proprietor and if this is a company who is the director. Please submit the legal entity of this company with the GSTIN number and MOA and AOA of this company. I have already reported this incident to Consumer Forum and Cyber complaint forum. You are requested to provide these details in writing within 7 days upon receipt of this email failing which will be liable for legal prosecution and heavy compensation amount which can be up to Rs. 1,00,000 or the amount which is mentioned in the agreement whichever is higher. I also request you to send me the details where you get this data. If this is US based company this it will be reported to BBB.” Kindly help me with more details so that I can file a legal suit against this company so that they can’t cheat the typing professionals. Kindly write to me at [email protected]
hi i am vipul patel. i was given 13000/- for this work.
now , they are not given me money and they are fraud.
i will also complain in central ministry of india for this mfraud they will also check and find this fraud.
my contact no: 9429746591