Hello everyone, I am an Admin of RanExchanger Website! Please note that, Only the same 1 or 2 peoples repeated posting these complaints regarding RanExchanger website on many sites.. Whenever I receive fraudulent payment to exchange money (like peoples sending stolen/illegal money) those funds automatically locked or reversed by particular payment processor. In that cases, I can’t complete exchange for such exchange orders.
The complaints posted here are by 2 peoples named MAX and PRAVEEN. The one named “MAX” is actually paid some of $350 Neteller USD from stolen UK account and that money already reversed back to the account holder.
And another one PRAVEEN is really unknown, I didn’t receive any payment as he claimed. Even, i don’t know anyone as PRAVEEN in RanExchanger.
Peoples, Before believe those fraudsters complaints, also consider to test our service yourself and review our Testimonials.
Best Regards,
RanExchanger Admin.