Sorry to say i’m not here to file complain again Permits and Visas services but i would like to recommaded them to my friends and group circle for their any kind of Passport, Visa etc immigration related services that comes under services. reason of recommadation is hows they help support me and process my Visa application for Denmark. from start to end all time their team member answer very clear and easily understandable what need to do now to be ready for next further process. and after all my Visa application for denmark successfully approved.

Thanks team for your very cooperative support.

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2 thoughts on “Permits and Visas – Little Un Satisfied with Permits and Visas”

  1. I thank Permits and Visas for giving me the update.I appreciate the patience and effort shown by Permits and Visas towards my innumerable calls and follow up emails. I cherish the moment most when i got the visa and the majority of the credit goes to permits and visas .without their help, it would not have been possible to realize this dream.

  2. I would like to thank you and your assessment team for all your hard work and constant contact with us. Your a great company for dealing with all my queries, emails and many calls! I would recommend Permits and Visas services to anybody.

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