NTS INFOTECH Complaints & Reviews

By: Priya

NTS they have cheated me also. I had paid INR 18000 for 10 ids. While registration they confirmed this amount will be refunded and this is for security purpose and for validity. When asked for refund they will not refund the money. If worked for 12 slots only they will refund they say mentioning the below clause :
4. The 2 nd party accepts that at any circumstances the Deposit amount is not Refundable and
Transferable, Expect completion of 12 slots.
Please do not invest and waste your money. This is a fraud company.

Ms. Bhuvana was my representative and now shes not at all bothered to clarify on this refund on this now.
Rupesh is a really liar, what type of a cheap people they are.

Post your reviews / feedback or experience by clicking on the following submit complaint button.


  1. Dear Sir / Madam,
    i joined NTS Info teck at 08/09/2016, my job is not completed because my personal problem, refund process is completed but not crideted in my ammount, its my ref no 24695870,many time i will call as support team, but still now my issuse for not sloved, so pls refund my ammount

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