We had purchased an IFB microwave in Dec 2014. Since day 1 we have been having issues. It took almost a month for them to do the demo. and some more days to fix an issue with the appliance. when they could not repair they replaced it or thats what they said. Again on Dec1st 2015, the appliance broke down. After registering a compaint (ticket #1101141193), they came after a week (TAT is 24 hrs) and said one part is broken (heating board) and after 7 days they replaced it and again they said the motor is broken, they have to get the part from somewhere, even till today it is not fixed. The should not sell products for which they cannot service, that too within service warranty period. we are so surprised at theis level of pathetic servicing by IFB. Totall unexpected….
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IFB Team.