He is a cheater dont waste time to go tirupati and spend money advance or any medicals

we dont know him he dont have an office he is dealing with more than 10 countries with out office do you believe that??

he is playing tricks for the first 16500 dont trust him he had a fake passport also so beware of him he had his own terms like pay before money and before process take documents and once he disappear we cant even find him he simply post documents your visa is not done or he may did not return also

myself ask him i will come with my advocate he behave like crazy just busted a theaf in front of police, like that he behaving y advocate i have my own we dont involve with others terms policies i also ask him he wont prepare he just be with me at the time of documents he said if u r interested do or else leave seriously

you are come here to my hel mind it –these words he said

so its upto you guys belive him or not????

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