t Transaction
To report.phishing@sbi.co.in Today at 2:25 PM
Thanks for deactivation of my credit card I suspect a fraudulent transaction of debit of Rs. 6999/- paid to some Oberoi_EPayKerala. I have reported all details to customer care 1860 180 1290 on 13/09/2014 and thanks to Amit Kumar for locking my credit card and to assure further investigation in the matter The details are as under for immediate reference 1. I received a call from mobile no +919560299128 at 15.58 hours on 12/09/2014. A lady spoke advising that she is speaking from LM SBI cards and that new more secure card is being issued to me for safety reasons. The card limit is also being enhanced to 40000/- . She also informed me that I am not redeeming my points, may be either I do not know the procedure or I do not have the time. [ Which was true] She told that against all old points gifts will issued and there is no need to redeem the points now. Also the new card will not have the facility of points to be redeemed but will have discount on each transactions.She informed her senior will call to confirm these things which I should attend.
2 A guy called from mobile no +919266663406 confirming the same at 16.04 hours on 12./09/2014 seeking all card details. I told him that card details are not to be disclosed to anybody and how do I know that he is calling from LM SBI Cards. He told that these are SBI vendors all over India to promote new products and he is from Kerala Centre, which is one such centre. He told he will again again with convincing details.
3. He called again from the same number giving me my DOB, home address as appearing in records and further confirming me that I am not redeeming my points, may be wither I do not know the procedure or I do not have the time. He told that against all points gifts will be issued viz a Rebook shoe, Rayban sunglasses etc and will be delivered at my home address and there is no need to redeem the points. Also the new card will not have the facility of points to be redeemed but will have 25% discount on each transactions. { I should have doubted this 25% thing] and 5% of it will be adjusted again fees of Rs 6999/- till it is paid. I am not required to pay now.The amount of Rs..6999/- will appear in the monthly card statement but is not payable. he then sought the card details including the 5 digits at the reverse. I did not disclose still doubting the matter.
4 I was again contacted at 16.23 and told that the payment will be executed only against an OTP which I will receive on my mobile no. { I really failed to recollect that an OTP is just a safety confirmation whether the transaction is genuine or fake, and that the client want to execute the payment]. Thus he was successful to win my doubts and sought my card details which I gave. [ I really had bad time then ]
When I got the SMS regarding the payment executed I realised the probably is is a fraudulent case and immediately got in touch customer care at 1800 22 9090 who informed me this was SBI Insurance section and guided me to call on 1860 180 1290 which is credit card section. I got in touch with credit cards section on 1860 180 1290 talked to one Mr Amitkumar who was highly co-operative and noted all the case details and blocked my card on my request to stop further misuse. He said he cannot say whether it is fraudulent as vendors are deployed by SBI to promote new products.
Please investigate the case and let me know if it is a fraudulent transaction. Can SBI reverse the payment transaction? Probably not. I will then lodge a complaint with Economic Offence Wing in larger interest that these guys should not cheat any other clients.
Treat this urgent.
I will need a fresh credit card. I will destroy the blocked card.
Naresh Patil
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