DEV TECHNOLOGY INDIA Complaints & Reviews
By: Bijay Goswami
Respected Sir,
With due respect I beg to state that, myself Bijay Krishna Goswami, (BPCA Kaliganj), Village-Harinathpur, P.O & P.S.-Kaliganj, District: Nadia, State: Westbengal, PIN:741150, Landmark: Near Kaliganj Gram Panchayet, registered myself in and the vide registration code is D006951. Just after that, two executives from DevTechnology India started to call me from +91 7709517304 & +91 7522080405 until I made the payment.
But, Sir unfortunately, just after made the payment (Rs.1000.00 Inr. One thousand Only, Vide Transaction No: IHD0728914 Dated: Jan28,2017 at 16:47hrs IST) and Vide Transaction No ITL6788456 Amounting INR.10000.00 (Ten Thousand Only) Dated Feb06,2017,and send the Receipt Copy to [email protected] (Also Uploaded the receipt copy to, neither she (7522080405) receive my phone call nor responding any of my SMS’S. Also, the Contact numbers provided by the executives & website remain either not reachable or switched off most of the times.
Noted that, after making the payment they communicate till 25th Feb 2017, whereas as per their website and word, my service should must be start within 28th Feb2017. But unfortunately on 27th Feb2017, when I visit their website: I found a strange notification that “All services of Dev Technology India was paused due to some issues. We will get back soon (within 45days). For any doubts and complain contact “[email protected]”to get the status of my application. And as per their website notification I send lots of Emails to [email protected], [email protected] and [email protected]
Sir, in this situation, being despaired with the service of Dev Technology India, I decided to withdraw the money that I paid to Dev Technology India (ACCOUNT NAME: DEV TECHNOLOGY INDIA. A/C NO: 35988875334, IFSC CODE: SBIN0003222) for SBI CSP, I started to send email to [email protected] and [email protected] from dated Mar02,2017 and requested them so that I can get back my deposited money at earliest but unfortunately there is no response from Dev Technology India till Second April 14,2017.
Sir, after waiting till Feb28, 2017(The due date of getting the SBI CSP) and getting no response from Dev Technology India, I have applied through their website on Mar02, 2017. And coincidentally depending upon that application on April10,2017 at around 11:50AM, I received a phone call from 7565090578, and the lady caller who introduced herself as Divya form Dev Technology India, offered me for my desired SBI CSP, and advised me to deposit the sum of Rs.11250.00 (Inr. Eleven Thousand two Hundred and Fifty Only) and I request her to send me the detail in my Email ID: [email protected] .
And as per my request and to take the money from mine she send an Email on April10,2017 from “[email protected] where she mention an other Bank Account Details, bearing the Account Holders name: SHINE2DAY INFO SERVICES, Account Number: 030905003696, IFSC Code: ICIC0000309 and advised me to send the Money Deposit slip to “[email protected] and along with this provide a new contact number 9519014724.
Sir, just after receiving the Email from [email protected] I become sure that the company bearing the name Dev Technology India is fake or fraud.
Sir, in this situation I’ll be highly obliged if you do the needful at earliest, so that I can get back the fund that I deposited to get the SBI CSP and take the legal action against that Fake company “DEV TECHNOLOGY INDIA”
Your cooperation is highly appreciated.
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In support of my words I’m attaching the following documents that I can arrange.
1* Email form “[email protected]
2* Email from “[email protected]
3* Email from “[email protected]
4* Bank statement (From which I NEFT the sum of Rs.11000.000 in two installments).
5* Website trace or lookup records and the IP Address from which IP they used to hosting the “” domain.
6* All of those contact numbers, that the Dev Technology India used for communication.
7* The facebook accounts opened using the contact numbers.
Thanks and Regards.
Bijay Krishna Goswami.
Email:[email protected]
Mobile: +91-9733 062 512