I had registered for Data Entry Typing job with this company. This company gives work but does not pay for it. You waste your 20 valuable 20 days typing their work and finally they do not pay you anything. On the contrary they make money on Registration fees which they took from me. You spend around 200 hours every month and the outcome is you get nothing out of it. They frequently change their Mobile numbers. They don’t have a Landline number. Also they have discontinued their website which was in the name of dataprocessingcentre.com. I have a strong feeling that this is a FRAUD company. I urge all the people not to invest their hard earned money in this company. This is a FAKE COMPANY. These people survive on References and Registration Fees. I am mentioning Full Address of Data Processing Centre:
DATA PROCESSING CENTRE G/106, SHAGUN ARCADE, Gen. A. K. Vaidya Marg, Nr. Dindoshi Bus Depot, Goregaon East, Mumbai 400 063
Please do not pay them anything as they will be asking you for Registration Fees. If they are giving work for free, then you can give it a try but its just a waste of your valuable time. They will pay you nothing. I have already lost my money. The only reason I am posting this is to save people from losing their money.