Complaint against fraudulent transactions in my savings Account Complaints & Reviews
By: SuklaBose
This is to inform you that a huge amount has been transacted fraudulently from my savings account no. 288510100003615 on 05.06.2017. The details of the transaction are stated here under:-
Date Particulars Amount Rs.
05.06.17 POSTXN / WWW OLACABS.COM 9999.00
05.06.17 POSTXN / AIRTEL MONEY 9990.00
05.06.17 POSTXN / SBI BUDDY_BD 4999.00
The above transaction has been made fraudulently from my account. It has come to my knowledge when I verified my pass book yesterday and I have blocked my ATM card immediately. I don’t have internet banking facility in my account and I hope the transactions was made fraudulently using my debit card information. My debit card no. is 4520 1128 8500 4933.