book my packet Complaints & Reviews

By: Jassi Gill

6Jan,2018 in shoes tagged book my packet complaints & Reviews by:Jassi Gill I was order a black shoes 12 no nd they gave me Orange colour 10 no shoes

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9 thoughts on “book my packet – I want my money Refund”

  1. Kiranbhai Solanki

    I am Kiranbhai Solanki. i bought shoes from which i have received yesterday. when i opened the parcel i found that the product colour & quality is not the same which i have select on this site. My BMP Awbno. is 961598715 and i am requesting you to collect this parcel and refund me my money.

    Further, i need an answer that why you shows the fake photograph if you can not provide the actual material to any customer like me.
    Bad experience at all.

    i have taken a customer care number from just dial which is wrong number. please provide us your customer care number for emergency purpose.

    Kiranbhai Solanki

  2. Tasawur Ali Ansari

    Worst product ever i have seen and also wrong clour i received this product so please collect your product and refund my money

  3. Worst ptoduct ever i have seen and also wrong coloure i received this product so plz collect ur product refund my money as soon as…

  4. I was order 5 combo shirts and they was changed very cheap shirts are delivered. l request to back my money soon please

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