Worst service from big laundry last month i subscribed for 70-clothes 4-times pick-up pack i paid 1140+TAX but only two pick-up done. rest not happened due to chennai flood i accept the reason. but after that they are not scheduled my pick-up’s reason they mentioned in my login as one for door closed & second for . I tried to reach them through phone no response if they picked means only one answer is coming we will solve this problem within half-hour sir trust us that’s it they will never solved i tried n tried n after that am tiered. for 1140 only 2 pick-ups done rest of the money they looted literally, that’s all i can say. am sorry for using the word looted but that’s the true point. NO CUSTOMER SUPPORT NO PHONE SUPPORT WITH ANYONE (including higher officials) NO PROPER DELIVERY (they promised in their site 72-96 hours but we have to wait 196hours above & for that also we need to call ) CLOTHES MISSING (sending that missing in next delivery for that also we need to call them again n again) Note:- When i met them @ madras market they where talking like professional’s but after only realised they are not. MANAGEMENT ZERO. LAUNDREX is far far better
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