Astrologer Sadhana Sharma/Shaarda Sharma Reviews & Complaints


Reported By: komal

Astrologer Sadhana Sharma is fake. This gang has created various face book profiles,linkedin and instagram handles (astrologershaarda ). They have many phone numbers as well. (+917707894412 ,
+917087647247 ,
9988258052 -)nayan sharma )

Basically they take money from people and promise them they will cast black magic spell. Which would result in we getting a call from the person we which to speak to.
They fool people and use an app to call us.
When asked her name is Sadhana or Shardha she will say shes Bimla from Punjab.

Dont fall in this trap. Beware and report such people .If anyone reading this review request you to report her to police. We should all make sure her gang is busted.

Post your reviews / feedback or experience by clicking on the following submit complaint button.

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