Hi all ! I am Neeraj. I am already a member of Earn15 & I am working at Asia Pacific Joint Media Group for the last 8 months. I purchased Trial Pack in June, 2013 & then upgraded to Full Pack in August, 2013. I am working good only 2 hours a day but I am earning around Rs. 6,000/- every month. My last month earning was Rs. 7,545/- & I get every month earning directly in my bank account. This month due to marriage, I worked for 3 days but I didn’t get any earning. My Id is deactivated. I am unable to login now. Customer Care Executives at Call Centre say me to wait for next 7 days. Please activate my Id. I want to work more & earn more. Please help. My Email Id is [email protected]. Help! Help! Help!
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