Sir take a full sleeve leather jacket from chupchaplelo site the jacket is not similar as shown on the site of chupchaplelo ……as jacket is not good as in wearing as well
#tracking no:JPTC46820
Add:arun kumar 18 shankar vihar lal quan
Ghaziabad, uttar pradesh INDIA -201009
Post your reviews / feedback or experience by clicking on the following submit complaint button.
I was ordered lather jacket but when it delivered it is totally change which I ordered… now I want to return it but there is no returne link available on website(only written that easy to return)
this website cheat me…. I want my money back within 24hours anotherwise I will register complain against this website.
I was orderd lether jacket I want ruttren jacket I want give my money with him 24 hours I will register complain again this website
Jacket ruttren urgent
Give me your my money back jacket is ruttren