Medical store in pathankot never give change back to customers. Also they they charge @ MRP, i have seen in chandigarh and other places the medical stores give discounts as applicable but here they do not leave a single rupee like if the medicine cost 72 rupees they will take 72 not 70 but that is not an issue , issue is when you give Rs 80 or 100 Rs note to pay for your medicine costing 72 they will give some silly churan packet or an orbit gum costing 5 rest toffees like vicks etc for rs 3 and 20 rs. we do not need that silly churan or gum or toffees if we had needed these we could have asked for it. And when we say we do not need orbit or churan or anything they will say give rs 5 change and what ever change as applicable and we will give round fig note/rupees, this behaviour is unacceptable and when you get hyper magically the change appears.
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