I received calls from multiple people calling from “expresscareer.in” Mr. Saxena then Mr. Siddhartha Jain : +918459114384. Though my first interaction with recruitment firm, didn’t know about the authenticity of the company. As of now 24, 500/- has been received by them, no proper details, nothing in written. No response. Please help in any case.
Post your reviews / feedback or experience by clicking on the following submit complaint button.
Hi, Even I am a same victim. Please let me know if there is any way to get the money back 🙁
You can mail me if you get any information.
[email protected]
I have also registered in express career till now i paid up to 40,000 rupees, but theres no reaponce and no conclusion, i want my money back, even i went consumer court they said we need adress, please give any detail about this and guide me to get my money back
Please contact me on : [email protected]