I ordered a Sofa Cum Bed of Rose Wood Color. I paid the full amount on the date of order. He promised delivery in 7 days. But there was no information from him on the late delivery. We had to call a number of times to remind him of my order. After 16 days he finally said the product is ready. When we went to check it in the show room, it was a RED in color and it is totally the worst of taste anyone will wish to take. When i argued that we asked for the Rose Wood color, those people are saying its Rosewood only. When I asked him to show some other furniture which is a rosewood color, he said yes its the Rosewood color only. Since I paid off the money, I didn’t want to speak much and asked him to give in the desired Rosewood color. He said he will make it ready within a week and he took another 15 days. That too on the day he promised delivery, he didn’t make it. I had to go to the showroom on that day end and just happened to see the Sofa-Cum Bed just there in the truck in front of the showroom. It was good to see the item in the expected color. He delivered the item next day. It was happy to use it the 1st day. On the next 2 weeks, I and my family members got hurt in the furniture nearly 4 to 5 times. The thing is that the corners were sharp and not designed in good quality. When a person normally tries to sit on the sofa, the front corners will definitely hurt people. We called them a couple of times asking for giving a smooth finish and fix the foam thickness which was very inappropriate when Sofa is changed to a bed. In spite of repeatedly calling them, I got tired of them and I am now planning to repair the furniture calling a local carpenter and re-designing in order to use it. My sincere advice to people. Please don’t buy furniture from these people. It is not worth to spend even a penny on buying from them.

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