Please dont waste your money.I got call from timescarrier raaj veer 8459800707,8459800706,8459799599. As mentioned above they promised me immediate placement in abroad and forced me to pay nearly 30000 for registration,profile validation e profile creation etc..
I didnt receive any confirmation mail or registation mail.simpley they are cheating.
I registered in Jan and when i asked about the interview date the executive said that my interivew is scheduled on last week of Feb . But there is no call regarding interview. I called them and they said it was postponded to mar . Same thing happend . no call regarding interview.Whenever i Call them they replied telling interview is postponded.This happened for five months.
Being frustated I asked for refund.Anuj is the executive I talked with . Anuj said that Raaj veer has resigned from Times carrier and he agreed to refund and they said 50% my money will be refunded on 28 th of Jun.But the money is also not refunded.I called them and asked about the refund.This time Jiya attended the call and she said that Anuj has resigned the company and she said my money ll be refunded on 28 of july.Even then money is not refunded. I called them again … now Sharon (She says she is the senior he executive) attended my call and she said that Jiya has resigned the company..Same thing happened again and some new person sawroub, prasanth etc..attands the phone and they will say that the executive who handled your case has resigned and they need one more month time to refund my money. after one month the same story happens.Recently I got a mail telling that they have provided my services and my money will not be refunded.Now a days they are not attending my call and all the phone number stated above is switched off.. Please dont waste you money .They are not arranging any job and they not refunding money.
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