Sir my state bank of india a/c no – 32978592859 and debit card no is – 5196 1902 0812 2087 in the name of Iswar Chagan Baviskar, Branch code – 351 issue on May2013. I receceived cal Mumbail from 9576596936 he was saying he is calling from head quarter office of State Bank of India, your ATM card is blocked want some information for verification to activate debit card and given information from me as well as OTP which was received to me.He has done 12 transanctions of amount 40475/-
Sr No. Jrnl No Txn Amount Txn Code
1) 811473540 2000 4061
2) 812663440 1000 4061
3) 813498010 5000 4061
4) 814081540 5000 4061
5) 814754450 5000 4061
6) 816185650 2500 4061
7) 816731350 2500 4061
8) 817243670 1475 4061
9) 818008680 3000 4061
10) 818585170 5000 4061
11) 819081290 5000 4061
12) 819524820 3000 4061