I studied Btech from Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology, a Techno India Group college. At the time of admition they took 10000 INR from all the students as caution money and committed us that this money will be refundable to us after completing the degree. Now I completed the course in Jun 2014 but till now they have not returned me the caution money. I called our account officer several times for this. Previously he mislead me with fake comittments and now he misbehaves with me in calls. I visited the college and TIG main campus but there is also no solution I got. WBUT has raised a notice to refund the money but they don’t bother this notice. I talked to my batch mates and they are having the same complain. Is this the right attitude for a college to deal with their student’s money?? They are enjoying the entire interest even they are not returning the principal amount which is ours.
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