I purchased two products online from Furniture Mart, a sofa bed and a two seater. I should have realized how easy it is to dupe consumers with fake pictures on the internet. Alas, I was fooled into ordering not one, but TWO useless pieces of garbage from these cheats.

And really, Iā€™m not kidding when I say that the furniture, when it arrived really looked like it was scavenged from a dumpster- dented, chipped, torn with screws jutting out here and there. I have purchased ( and had made) many pieces of furniture over the years, but this is truly the WORST workmanship and quality I have ever seen.

Needless to say, the folks at Furniture Mart refused to refund my money. I initiated consumer court proceedings against them, but slippery crooks that they are, there is no address that can be fixed on them. Therefore, after sending summons to various addresses, all fake, I had to give up.

I really hope no more people get cheated into buying from these thugs. Please stay away from them; you will regret any purchases you might have made.

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