I am Dr. M. R. Sunder Paul. On 16 June 2014 at 1 pm someone called me and congratulated me for using HDFC Credit Card and they wanted to give me some special offers for the best user of Credit Card. They offered me 4 nights and 3days lodging in and abroad and many more things. I knew that I got several credits by using HDFC Credit Card No: 4617862002102440. Not only for rewards but I was also waiting for my new card as the present card is going to expire this month.
They told my name, my father’s name and card number. And I believed that it was from HDFC Bank and I gave all the details – HDFC Credit card No. Verifying Code and when I got the OTP, they checked back and they withdrew Rs. 7,990/- on 16/06/2014. They promised me that I would receive a courier containing all the promised documents in two days. But so far (01 July 2014) neither I got any information nor there is a response to my phone calls. After a week I understand that this phone call transaction was fake and I let my money to unknown person. I am cheated.
All this was done from Mobile Nos. 9268560769 and I was asked to send my OTP Number to 9717465555. The one who called me introduced himself as Rahul Saxena, from Money Magic Holiday, Landline No: 011-30803939 New Delhi. Giving all these details someone withdrew Rs. 7,990/- from my Credit Card making me believe that they associate with the HDFC Bank.
Sir, I am deceived. I lost my money. Some fake call made me believe and robbed me. Kindly make an inquiry into it and help me get back my money at the earliest possible. Please take stringent action against such culprits who must be deceiving many people with fake identities. Thanking you sir,
Dr. M. R. Sunder Paul
#8-3-42/A, Mettugadda,
Mahabubnagar 509 001 Telangana
Mobile: 9491660000
Email: [email protected]

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